Body, Mind and Soulful Living

Posts tagged ‘fear of government’

LEAP into April!

Welcome to a whole new cycle of LEAP! The Love, Enjoy, Appreciate, Play program from Souls Converge. New here? Welcome! You may want to read our beginning launch of the program back in our initial post (The Moon And You), but you don’t need to in order to follow us now, here in this moment of presence. Subscribe to our blog to get the program as soon as we post it directly to your inbox or mobile device. Also, we will be sending occasional reminders and helpful tips throughout the program to assist you in your daily growth if you are a subscriber.

And just like that, a new beginning is upon us once again…

For these next few days we find ourselves welcoming the New Moon in a sprouting phase. For our LEAP program, we are in the “Love” portion, primarily focusing on the love for ourselves. We can sometimes allow our minds to control our emotional heart. Yes, we mean “allow”, as everything is up to you when it comes to your mind. At this moment in time, the mass idea or signal being sent out over the consciousness grid through governments and internet reporting is fear: “Fear what has happened in Japan, it is going to affect you, and/or it could happen to you where ever you live. ” Or “The government shut down for 2011 is coming!” This was one of the most searched subjects on Google today. Just like you choose what you put in your car to drive, choose what you feed yourself when you absorb the negativity on the news, television shows, and people in social situations. Be more aware of the negative show premise or the “friend” who feeds off the drama of others. You wouldn’t expect your car to run well off soda would you? The fact is; there are horrible occurrences all over the world, in your country and in your neighborhood happening everyday. If it were our soul’s purpose to walk in fear and be paralyzed by happenings, we would be a very weak civilization. And in many respects we are. In our attraction of the worst of things to occur we are weak, but as individuals seeking a higher purpose and better existence in the here and now, we are strong and not ruled by fear, but love. For that we must rejoice! The positive light love gives to all things is, in fact, our main purpose. The moment you can steer your direction of thinking to this, is the moment you will move towards awakening.

The bible says, “I am the Lord thy God. Fear not, for I am with you.” The Spirit of God dwells in the heart of everyone and everything that IS. Man is the measure of the universe.  You are the Heavens and the Earth. You were created and can create from that same place from which you were spoken into loving existence – the heart. You are one with the existence of this moment, not as the worker/mother/boyfriend/34 year old, but the soul that has purpose and love to reflect into this physical realm of consciousness. You are a physical being that is capable of great things and great mistakes, but you have to move on from them. Love and forgive yourself for past indiscretions and move forward to the One you wish to be.

MAKE TIME for yourself right now. This means real time, stillness, not just another distraction. Find a quiet place, sit and try to let yourself be wrapped in calmness and let all of your worries go. Use our “Breathe the Light” meditation and listen to our favorite sounds meditation “Holy Harmony” by Jonathan Goldman and say, write or repeat in your thoughts “Ho’oponopono.”   If you find your mind is just too busy at the moment to enjoy stillness, find something that inspires you to be positive, like an upbeat music list, inspirational movie, or heartfelt book.

While you are in this place, ask yourself what you want, if money, time, and you, were no object or obstacle. If you could just lovingly become and grow into anything, what would it be? Even if right now you can only see as far as tomorrow, focus on what you will be a better version of tomorrow. Write this down in a journal, or on post-its to place in your workspace or car, type notes for yourself in your phone, or place them into your calendar to go off during the day as reminders. These are the seeds that are sprouting through this cycle of LEAP. Let go of how much you didn’t grow or follow through with any previous things. Forgive yourself for small and large situations. It’s done, (although you may have lingering issues attached to these incidents), the actual moment and time of their negative light you are holding onto is in the past. The Now is upon us and you must move on, completely letting go of your attachment to your past mistakes.

This is a great time to cleanse. We like the Master Cleanse, but you can choose to cleanse or detox anyway you feel healthiest. Even if that means just cutting out fast food for now, it’s a start, and we guarantee you will feel the difference. The more you can assist yourself in a higher vibration the more you will feel alive and energized to grow during the LEAP phases.

As you move through these next couple days, find a moment or two to retreat into nature.  For you, maybe this is a city park, or perhaps an entire coastline or forest, whichever the case, you will find your seeds beginning to grow and time out in the sunshine will nurture these positive thoughts.

5 Things to Focus on:

1. Let go and forgive – yourself! Use “Breathe the Light” meditation to assist you in finding the things you are holding onto and they will release from you. You can also use “Ho’oponopono” during this.

2. Allow for more love than fear. Surround yourself with good choices and heartfelt decisions of what you listen to, read, watch and say.

3. Take time to focus on you and communicate your intentions to the Universe.

4. A time for Cleansing: Epsom salt baths, cutting out fast food, participating in a green drink or master cleanse system, and sun bathing, all while drinking plenty of water and finding time for nature.

5. Above all else – LOVE. Be a shining example of it to everyone, but most importantly – you. Love yourself and in turn that love will shine and feed others.

Additional Recommendations:

This indigo blue color, (to the right), represents self realization, inner senses, intuition, deep connections to the moon, spirit, magic, mystery, and clearing your mind. Perhaps try wearing it this phase or place candles or tea-lights of this color around where you’re meditating. Set the wallpaper on your phone to it or at work, set your desktop background to something like it from a simple search for “indigo blue” through google images .

For scents and smells: Lavender to release tensions, and promote calm. Citrus choices like Tangerine and earthy ones like patchouli provide clarity and tranquility. We are addicted to the Young Living Oils and their blends. A great one for this phase of LEAP is their Peace & Calming Oil containing a therapeutic grade essential oil blend of Tangerine, orange, ylang ylang, patchouli, and blue tansy.

As always, we welcome your feedback and encourage your loving insights. This is a program, but in no way, a rigid one. We bring you this with loving intentions and open hearts to share these truths, in hopes that they speak to you specifically in any way they are meant to. We hope you are blessed by our LEAP posts, and look forward to building our community, Souls Converge. Feel free to share this online through social media, or forward it onto someone you think may benefit.

Wishing you great abundance and growth!

~Lonny & Kristen Carr